Vietnam committed to preventing human trafficking

Vietnam committed to preventing human trafficking

(VOVWORLD) - Preventing and fighting human trafficking is an important, urgent, regular and long-term task of Vietnam, Deputy Minister of Public Security Nguyen Duy Ngoc said at Saturday’s event in Quang...
Vietnam fights human trafficking

Vietnam fights human trafficking

(VOVWORLD) - The Vietnamese government has always considered preventing illegal migration and fighting human trafficking to be regular, long-term political tasks. Along with implementing specific solutions to prevent and combat human...
Vietnam determined to prevent human trafficking

Vietnam determined to prevent human trafficking

(VOVWORLD) - Placing human rights in the center of decision making, Vietnam has strengthened the prevention and control of human trafficking. The political system at all levels considers it a key task and...
Crime prevention tops NA agenda

Crime prevention tops NA agenda

(VOVWORLD) - The National Assembly (NA) continued its ongoing session on Tuesday in Hanoi, focusing on crime prevention and control, judicial work, and fighting corruption