Russia-NATO Council meets in two years

Russia-NATO Council meets in two years

(VOVworld) – The NATO-Russia Council met for the first time in Brussels on Wednesday after two years of suspension to exchange views on Ukraine and discuss mechanisms of risk reduction...
EU warns of IS weapons of mass destruction

EU warns of IS weapons of mass destruction

(VOVworld) – EU and NATO security chiefs have warned that Islamic State terrorists are trying to acquire weapons of mass destruction such as biological and nuclear weapons to attack Britain and Europe. Jorge Berto Silva,...
Russia ready for dialogue with NATO

Russia ready for dialogue with NATO

(VOVworld) – Russia and NATO are experiencing deep mutual mistrust and it will be not easy to overcome it, said Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov on Tuesday, one day prior to the...
France rules out military intervention in Libya

France rules out military intervention in Libya

(VOVworld) – On Friday French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault ruled out launching air strikes or sending ground troops to tackle Islamic State in Libya but said France can help secure...
Germans march against war

Germans march against war

(VOVworld) – Thousand of Germans marched on Saturday to protest against war and demand a more humanitarian policy for refugees
EU facing threat of holy war

EU facing threat of holy war

(VOVworld) - Three bomb attacks in Brussels this week made tragically real the threat from a new generation of IS (Islamic State) jihadist extremism. The IS has claimed responsibility for the...
Russian withdrawal from Syria won’t weaken Assad

Russian withdrawal from Syria won’t weaken Assad

(VOVworld) – Withdrawal of the main part of Russia's armed forces in Syria will not weaken Syrian President Bashar Assad, Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova said Wednesday, adding...
Munich Security Conference opens

Munich Security Conference opens

(VOVworld) –The 52nd Munich Security Conference (MSC) opened in Munich, Germany on Friday, gathering 30 state leaders and world leading politicians including Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, US Secretary of State...
Russia-Turkey relationship becomes tense

Russia-Turkey relationship becomes tense

(VOVworld)- The relationship between Russia and Turkey has been tense since Turkey shot down a Russian Su 24 fighter. Tensions increased further on Friday when Ankara said another Russian Su...