TPP, a boost for Vietnam’s agricultural restructuring

TPP, a boost for Vietnam’s agricultural restructuring

(VOVworld) - The Trans-Pacific partnership agreement offers a major opportunity and challenge for Vietnam’s agriculture exports. But currently seafood and rice exports are underperforming expectations. To prepare for TPP membership...
Lung Cu flag tower

Lung Cu flag tower

(VOVworld) - Visiting the northwest without climbing Lung Cu peak? No one would believe it. At the top of 1,700 meters-high Lung Cu peak is tower flying the Vietnamese national...
Japan's Upper House delays vote on security bills

Japan's Upper House delays vote on security bills

(VOVworld) – On Wednesday, Japan's ruling and opposition parties delayed their final vote on security bills after opposition politicians blocked doorways in parliament, despite efforts by prime minister Shinzo Abe...
Vietnam, ASEAN single-window mechanisms connected

Vietnam, ASEAN single-window mechanisms connected

(VOVworld) – Vietnam has officially introduced its national single-window customs mechanism with connectivity to the ASEAN single-window mechanism. Vietnam and 6 other ASEAN members have developed single-window mechanisms...
Thailand faces instability

Thailand faces instability

(VOVworld)- Bangkok was shocked this week by two consecutive explosions, the worst incident in Thailand in 2 years. An investigation is underway to find the culprit. Many people are...
Is Greece really out of crisis?

Is Greece really out of crisis?

(VOVworld) – On Wednesday Greece’s parliament approved by a vote of 229 to 64 a bill on austerity measures requested by creditors in exchange for a new bailout package worth 86 billion euros...
Greece submits new reform plan

Greece submits new reform plan

(VOVworld) - Greece introduced a new reform plan to its EU-IMF creditors on Tuesday before Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras’s warning that the lack of a deal would lead to...