US-Russia relations in 2013

US-Russia relations in 2013

(VOVworld) – Russian Itar-Tass news agency on Tuesday had an exclusive interview on US-Russia relations in 2013 with US Deputy National Security Adviser for Strategic Communication Ben Rhodes
Wednesday September 25, 2013

Wednesday September 25, 2013

First, we’d like welcome Martin Bobek of Vysocina in the Czech Republic to our program. Martin wrote “I’m a 27-year-old radio listener and I like listening to AM...
Vietnam is Japan’s important partner

Vietnam is Japan’s important partner

(VOVworld) – Vietnamese Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh met with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on Friday, during his official visit to Japan from September 12 to 14
Spy case strains US- Russian relations

Spy case strains US- Russian relations

(VOVworld)- Relations between Russia and US have been strained by the arrest and expulsion of a US Embassy official in Moscow suspected of trying to recruit a Russian agent with...
US faces new challenges

US faces new challenges

(VOVworld) - The US was shocked by a twin bombing in Copley square in the centre of Boston city, where tens of thousands of people and athletes from 96 countries were attending a marathon...
London Olympics close with spectacular ceremony

London Olympics close with spectacular ceremony

(VOVworld) - The 30th Olympic Games drew to a close Sunday evening with a ceremony of spectacular sights, sounds, and music featuring more than 4,000 performers. The ceremony opened with a parade of...
Letter Box July 25, 2012

Letter Box July 25, 2012

A: Let’s start this week’s Letter Box with an email from a young Bulgarian listener Georgi Bancov. 16 year-old Georgi reported listening to our July 20 broadcast...
Vietnamese flag flies at London Olympics

Vietnamese flag flies at London Olympics

(VOV) - The national flag of Vietnam was hoisted at the Olympic Park in London on July 21, marking the start of Vietnamese athletes’ competitions at the Summer Games
Sendoff for Vietnamese Olympic Team

Sendoff for Vietnamese Olympic Team

(VOVworld) - A sendoff was held in Hanoi yesterday for the Vietnamese athletes who are departing for the London Olympics Games. The Vietnamese Olympic delegation consists of 56 members led by National Sports Administration Deputy Head Lam...