Sudan suspended from the African Union

Sudan suspended from the African Union

(VOVWORLD) - The African Union said Wednesday it has suspended Sudan until civilian rule in the country is restored, and it rejects the military takeover as an "unconstitutional" seizure of power
US commits to closing Guantanamo prison

US commits to closing Guantanamo prison

(VOVWORLD) - US Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Friday renewed pledges to close the prison at Guantanamo Bay, while acknowledging it was difficult to predict when it would happen
EU slams military coup in Mali

EU slams military coup in Mali

(VOVWORLD) - A military coup in Mali on Tuesday, accompanied by the arrest of the interim President, Prime Minister, and cabinet members, was strongly denounced by the African Union, the Economic Community of West African States,...
China supports ASEAN approach to Myanmar

China supports ASEAN approach to Myanmar

(VOVWORLD) -China will contact and coordinate with all parties, while working concertedly with the ASEAN, to promote peace talks in Myanmar and help ease the situation in the country at the...
Syrian Constitutional talks fail

Syrian Constitutional talks fail

(VOVWORLD) - The United Nations Special Envoy for Syria Geir Pedersen said that the Syrian Constitutional Committee’s talks, which ended Friday, is a disappointment
 Human rights promoted in a practical, humane manner

Human rights promoted in a practical, humane manner

(VOVWORLD) - On Human Rights Day, December 10, hostile and reactionary forces and political opportunists attempted to distort and deny Vietnam’s achievements in promoting human rights. The distortion is groundless. Since its foundation...