Reputable Ede people promote their influence

Reputable Ede people promote their influence

(VOVWORLD) - The Central Province of Dak Lak has more than 900 reputable people of ethnic groups. Among them, the prestigious Ede people have made important contributions to local socio-economic development...
Stamp collection on Paris Peace Accords issued

Stamp collection on Paris Peace Accords issued

(VOVWORLD) -A postage stamp collection on the Paris Agreement on Ending the War and Restoring Peace in Vietnam (Paris Peace Accords) was released on January 27th, coinciding the date on...
Tra Vinh people enjoy freedom of religion

Tra Vinh people enjoy freedom of religion

(VOVWORLD) - Tra Vinh province has a population of about 1 million people, who belong to the Kinh, Khmer, and Hoa ethnic groups. They are followers of Buddhism, Catholicism, Cao Dai, Protestantism, and some...
People’s mandate to preserve and promote culture

People’s mandate to preserve and promote culture

(VOVWORLD) - The Communist Party of Vietnam believes developing culture and people have a close relationship. Cultural development is about perfecting human personality and developing people is about promoting cultural development. Because people are the...