Vietnam urges support for Palestine refugees

Vietnam urges support for Palestine refugees

(VOVWORLD) -Securing financial resources for the Palestinian refugee relief agency in the Near East to operate stably is important in assisting refugees and contributing to stabilizing the region, a Vietnamese...
45 years on: Vietnam becomes more active UN member

45 years on: Vietnam becomes more active UN member

(VOVWORLD) -45 years ago today, Vietnam officially joined the United Nations, the world's largest multilateral organization. The membership marked a step forward for Vietnam’s construction, development, and international...
Vietnam backs UN peacekeeping and UNPOL operations

Vietnam backs UN peacekeeping and UNPOL operations

(VOVWORLD) - Peacekeeping continues to be an important tool to maintain international peace and security, and Vietnam supports peacekeeping activities and the UN police (UNPOL), said Ambassador Dang Dinh Quy, Vietnam...