Cambodia marks 62nd Independence Day

Cambodia marks 62nd Independence Day

(VOVworld) – A meeting was held in Phnompenh on Monday to mark Cambodia’s 62nd Independence Day November 9. King Norodom Sihamoni, Parliamentary speaker Heng Samrin, Prime Minister Hun Sen, Senate President Say...
CPV delegation visits Cambodia

CPV delegation visits Cambodia

(VOVworld)- Vietnam and Cambodia have agreed to strengthen traditional friendship and comprehensive cooperation between the two Parties and States
HCMC boosts trade and investment in Cambodia

HCMC boosts trade and investment in Cambodia

(VOVworld) – Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC) is determined to support its businesses’ investment in Cambodia, said the Secretary of the municipal Party Committee Le Thanh Hai at a seminar to boost...
2014- A disastrous year for world aviation

2014- A disastrous year for world aviation

(VOVworld)- 2014 has been a year of aviation accidents and incidents. Since the beginning of the year, there have been 30 aviation accidents around the world, leaving more than 1...
Vietnam participates in Cambodia exhibition

Vietnam participates in Cambodia exhibition

(VOV) - The 7th Cambodia Import-Export & One province One Product Exhibition opened in Phnom Penh on Saturday, attracting 200 businesses from 20 countries including 37 from Vietnam
COC- a peaceful solution to sea disputes

COC- a peaceful solution to sea disputes

(VOVworld)- The development of the Code of Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (COC) between ASEAN and China witnessed positive signs after senior leaders of both sides, in a meeting in Thailand...