Voter turnout reaches 98.77%

Voter turnout reaches 98.77%

(VOVword)- By 22hours 20 minutes Sunday, voter turnout in Vietnam reached 98.77% at the election for National Assembly and People’s Councils
Victory over fascism honored

Victory over fascism honored

(VOVworld) – May 9th marks 71 years of the victory of allied forces against German fascists. Activities are being held in many countries to celebrate the victory of the Soviet Union and...
Baseball – the leading sport in Venezuela

Baseball – the leading sport in Venezuela

(VOVworld) - In Venezuela, sports play an important role in people’s lives. Of all the sports, baseball attracts the greatest number of participants. Today VOV talks to Ms Maikki from Venezuela,...
What to expect from the EU-Turkey migrant deal

What to expect from the EU-Turkey migrant deal

(VOVworld)- On April 4th, Greece began sending the migrants back to Turkey under an agreement reached between the European Union (EU) and Turkey last month aimed at stemming the influx of refugees...
Chol Chnam Thmay festival of the Khmer

Chol Chnam Thmay festival of the Khmer

(VOvworld) – Chol Chnam Thmay is the New Year celebration of the Khmer. Their biggest festival of the year marks the end of the dry season and the beginning of a new...
EU holds its last summit in 2015

EU holds its last summit in 2015

(VOVworld) – The European Union held a two-day summit in Brussels on Thursday, focusing on the migrant crisis and a British proposal of EU reform