IMF cuts global growth forecasts

IMF cuts global growth forecasts

(VOVWorld) - On Tuesday, The International Monetary Fund (IMF) cut its forecasts for global economic growth this year and next year because of the UK's vote to leave the UK
US: UK could join TPP

US: UK could join TPP

(VOVworld) – Brexit has forced the UK to broaden its relations and join more multilateral trade deals, for example the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement
Brexit delay in the UK

Brexit delay in the UK

(VOVworld)- Despite the clear result of the referendum on Brexit on June 23, British politicians and public are not yet ready to leave the EU. The UK is experiencing one...
British prime ministership race begins

British prime ministership race begins

(VOVworld) – 5 Conservatives members have announced their race for the Party’s leadership following David Cameron’s resignation speech one week ago. This signals a dramatic competition for next owner...
Russia, France cooperate in Nagorny Karabakh

Russia, France cooperate in Nagorny Karabakh

(VOVworld) – Russian President Vladimir Putin and French President Francois Hollande on Thursday discussed by phone the settlement of conflicts in Nagorny-Karabakh. They agreed to continue cooperating in the OSCE...