Aspiration for national development, innovation

Aspiration for national development, innovation

(VOVWORLD) - The draft political report submitted to the 13th National Party Congress emphasized the fundamental transformation of Vietnam's economy into a growth model which efficiently uses resources, scientific and technological advances...
Public opinions gathered for Party documents

Public opinions gathered for Party documents

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnamese people inside and outside Vietnam can contribute ideas to draft documents of the 13th National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam from Tuesday. The political drive...
UNESCO intangible cultural heritages of Vietnam

UNESCO intangible cultural heritages of Vietnam

(VOVWORLD) - The Hue Royal Court Music became Vietnam’s first-ever UNESCO-recognized intangible cultural heritage in 2008. After 12 years, Vietnam now has 13 intangible cultural heritages receiving global...
Vietnam contributes to Sudan’s transition

Vietnam contributes to Sudan’s transition

(VOVWORLD) - A Vietnamese representative attended a video conference by the UN Security Council on Friday to discuss the situation in Darfur, Sudan, and the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur...
The Great British Sunday Roast - a classic national dish

The Great British Sunday Roast - a classic national dish

(VOVWORLD) - The Sunday Roast is a traditional British main meal that is typically served on Sunday, consisting of roasted meat, roasted or mashed potatoes, and accompaniments such as Yorkshire Pudding, stuffing, gravy, and mint sauce....
Russia, Turkey engage in another war of nerves

Russia, Turkey engage in another war of nerves

(VOVWORLD) -Northwestern Syria has once again become a hotspot of a prolonged crisis in Syria. Concerns are mounting over the tense confrontation between Russia and Turkey, the two countries...
G7 lacks a common voice

G7 lacks a common voice

(VOVWORLD) - The G7 Summit in France concluded without major results due to differences between its members