1973 Paris Peace Accords- a significant victory

1973 Paris Peace Accords- a significant victory

(VOVworld)- The Paris Peace Accords on ending the war and restoring peace to Vietnam signed on January 27, 40 years ago was a Vietnamese people’s historic victory in the anti-US national...
Seminar looks back at Paris Peace Accords

Seminar looks back at Paris Peace Accords

(VOVworld) - Scientists from France and Germany, and the US’ Harvard University gathered in Hanoi on Thursday at a seminar to review the 40 years since the 1973 Paris Peace Accords
Seminar looks back at Paris Peace Accords

Seminar looks back at Paris Peace Accords

(VOVworld) - Scientists from France and Germany, and the US’ Harvard University gathered in Hanoi on Thursday at a seminar to review the 40 years since the 1973 Paris Peace Accords. Participants included former...
Hero Pham Tuan shot down B52 Stratofortress

Hero Pham Tuan shot down B52 Stratofortress

(VOVworld) – In the history of the Vietnamese Air Force, heroic pilot Pham Tuan grabbed two records by shooting down an American B52 bomber in 1972 and becoming the 1st Asian cosmonaut to...
Vladimir Putin delivers 2012 federal address

Vladimir Putin delivers 2012 federal address

National unity and comprehensive development of modern Russia were two themes of the 2012 federal address read by Russian President Vladimir Putin in front of more than a thousand policy...
 SNG signs dozen of cooperation documents agreements

SNG signs dozen of cooperation documents agreements

The Commonwealth of Independent States signed 20 cooperation agreements at its annual summit on Wednesday in Ashkhabad, including a Policy Statement on Strengthening Aid Effectiveness, a Regional Trade Agreement and Regional...
Hanoi welcomes Soviet veterans

Hanoi welcomes Soviet veterans

(VOV) - General Phung Quang Thanh - Minister of Defense and a politburo member - yesterday welcomed a delegation of war veterans from Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus, in Hanoi