Japan urges Iran to return to nuclear negotiations

Japan urges Iran to return to nuclear negotiations

(VOVWORLD) - Japanese Foreign Minister Toshimitsu Motegi on Sunday urged Iran to return to negotiations with Western powers on the 2015 nuclear dealduring his first meeting with new Iranian President EbrahimRaisi...
US underlines rules-based maritime order

US underlines rules-based maritime order

(VOVWORLD) -The United States has reaffirmed its rejection of China’s expansive maritime claims in the South China Sea (called the East Sea in Vietnam), backing a policy shift...
Iran will not give nuclear site images to IAEA

Iran will not give nuclear site images to IAEA

(VOVWORLD) - Tehran will not hand over images from inside its nuclear sites to the UN nuclear watchdog IAEA because a monitoring agreement with the agency has expired, Mohammad-Bagher Ghalibaf,...
Iran to offer 'constructive' plan on nuclear issues

Iran to offer 'constructive' plan on nuclear issues

(VOVWORLD) - Iran will soon present a “constructive” plan of action related to its nuclear program, Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said on Friday, after European sources said Tehran gave positive...
Iran rules out unofficial talks with US

Iran rules out unofficial talks with US

(VOVWORLD) - Iran has refused a meeting with the US and several European countries over the tattered 2015 nuclear deal, and calls on Washington to lift its unilateral sanctions on Tehran
US urges Iran to cooperate with the IAEA

US urges Iran to cooperate with the IAEA

(VOVWORLD) - The US urged Iran on Tuesday to cooperate with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), noting that Tehran is moving further away from compliance with the 2015 nuclear deal,...