PM works with key leaders of Quang Binh

PM works with key leaders of Quang Binh

(VOVWORLD) -Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc has praised Quang Binh authorities’ efforts to achieve socio-economic results despite recent natural disasters and lingering consequences of the marine environmental incident...
Prime Minister welcomes foreign investors

Prime Minister welcomes foreign investors

(VOVWORLD) - Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc hosted receptions for Mike Spanos, CEO of the Asia, Middle East, and North Africa unit of the US-based PepsiCo, Inc.; and Sarath Ratanavadi,...


Highlights: - What to expect from Disneyland Paris' Marvel Summer of Super Heroes - NASA's Parker Solar Probe Launches on Mission to the Sun - Latest updates on 2018 Teen Choice Award -...
Vietnam boasts huge potential for green growth

Vietnam boasts huge potential for green growth

(VOVWORLD) - With great advantages for developing wind and solar energy, Vietnam has a huge potential for developing a green economy with which to accomplish its goal of industrialization and modernization...
Vietnam encourages energy saving practice

Vietnam encourages energy saving practice

(VOVWORLD) -Vietnam’s national target program obtained the target of saving 5.65% of energy in the 2011-2015 period. The Ministry of Industry and Trade affirmed the result at a...
US, Vietnam strengthen economic ties

US, Vietnam strengthen economic ties

(VOVWORLD) - Deputy Prime Minister Vuong Dinh Hue met on Tuesday with US Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross and Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer as part of his official visit to the...
PM meets Thai, Lao counterparts on ACMECS8 sidelines

PM meets Thai, Lao counterparts on ACMECS8 sidelines

(VOVWORLD) -Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc had bilateral meetings with his Thai and Lao counterparts on the sidelines of the eighth Ayeyawady-Chao Phraya-Mekong Economic Cooperation Strategy Summit (ACMECS 8) in...