US issues Europe-wide terror warning in summer

US issues Europe-wide terror warning in summer

(VOVworld) – The US State Department has warned American travelers to Europe to be on the alert for potential terror attacks this summer which may target the EURO 2016 fotball championship...
Russia asserts desire to hold dialogue with EU

Russia asserts desire to hold dialogue with EU

(VOVworld) – On Monday, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov affirmed that European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker will attend the Saint Petersburg International Economic Forum on June 16 at the invitation of...
US kills two "high-value" IS fighters

US kills two "high-value" IS fighters

(VOVworld) - A US air strike has killed two "high-value" Islamic State fighters in Iraq while Iraqi security forces started clearing jihadists from Rutba town, Anbar province
Violence returns to Eastern Ukraine

Violence returns to Eastern Ukraine

(VOVworld) – On Monday, representatives of the Ukrainian government and independence-seeking militants said that violence has resumed in eastern Ukraine after a period of relative calm under the Eastern truce