Vietnam, Bulgaria promote trade cooperation

Vietnam, Bulgaria promote trade cooperation

(VOVWORLD) - An online trade conference to discuss Vietnamese and Bulgarian consumer goods took place on Thursday to help enterprises boost linkages and look for business opportunities
Europe struggles with new migration crisis

Europe struggles with new migration crisis

(VOVWORLD) - Turkey has opened its border with Greece, an EU member state, to allow thousands of refugees and migrants to head to Europe. The migration creates concern of a new humanitarian crisis...
Coronavirus updates worldwide

Coronavirus updates worldwide

(VOVWORLD) -The National Health Commission of China (NHC) on Sunday announced that mainland China recorded 44 more SARS-CoV-2 virus infections and 27 deaths on Saturday
Vietnam attends FMM14 in Madrid

Vietnam attends FMM14 in Madrid

(VOVWORLD) - Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh led a delegation to attend the 14th Asia-Europe Foreign Ministers’ Meeting (FMM14), which opened on Monday in Madrid
Conductor Le Phi, a pride of Vietnamese chamber music

Conductor Le Phi, a pride of Vietnamese chamber music

(VOVWORLD) - Conductor Le Phi Phi is Vietnam’s own classical music artist whose name has become popular throughout Europe. In Vietnam, he is associated with the national concert named “Điều còn mãi” ...
Bulgaria supports EVFTA signing

Bulgaria supports EVFTA signing

(VOVWORLD) - Bulgaria strongly supports and looks forward to the signing of the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA), said Bulgarian Minister of Economy Emil Karanikolov
Apt solutions for global issues

Apt solutions for global issues

(VOVWORLD) - Representatives from 150 countries adopted the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM) in Marrakech, Morocco, on Monday. Despite controversy over the UN-led compact and some countries...