Fears of a fresh arms race

Fears of a fresh arms race

(VOVWORLD) - Two weeks after the US withdrew from the Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF) and revealed a plan to deploy intermediate-range missiles in Asia, the Pentagon said on Monday...
Not Dirt Cheap: Rare Earth Minerals and the Trade War

Not Dirt Cheap: Rare Earth Minerals and the Trade War

(VOVWORLD) - In the escalating trade war between the USA and China, ‘critical minerals’ and especially rare earth minerals (REM) have again become a prominent issue. This is because trace quantities of these...
Washington’s scheme to leave INF

Washington’s scheme to leave INF

(VOVWORLD) - After 3 decades, the US-Russian Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty could end. US President Donald Trump há unilaterally announced he intends to withdraw. The world is worried...
US uses Tomahawk cruise missile in Syria attack

US uses Tomahawk cruise missile in Syria attack

(VOVWORLD) - The US has used Tomahawk cruise missiles to strike targets in Syria, an US official said on Saturday (Vietnam time). Witnesses said Barzeh district in Damascus, where scientific research institutions...
New risks for Russia-US ties

New risks for Russia-US ties

(VOVWORLD) -Relations between Russia and the US are at their worst since the Cold War. The two countries have locked horns over an alleged chemical attack which killed dozens in Syria last...
Syria faces new instability

Syria faces new instability

(VOVWORLD) -Despite the defeat of the Islamic State, Syria has been bogged down in troubles. Syria made headlines in recent days when an alleged chemical attack killed dozens of people...
Russia plans meeting with US, UN on Syria

Russia plans meeting with US, UN on Syria

(VOVworld) - Diplomats from Russia, the United States, and the United Nations plan to discuss the Syrian crisis in Geneva next week, said Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov Monday
Rising tensions on Korean peninsula

Rising tensions on Korean peninsula

(VOVworld) – North Korea’s missile exploded on Sunday, on the 105th birth anniversary of founder Kim Il-sung amid fierce exchanges of bitter words between Pyongyang and Washington. Many people...
US-North Korea tense relations

US-North Korea tense relations

(VOVworld) – A few days after US President Donald Trump ordered a Tomahawk missile attack on an airport in Syria, the US military has begun military moves which are seen as...
World divided over Syria

World divided over Syria

(VOVworld) – The world was shocked by the US’s firing of 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles at a Syrian airbase on Friday because the new US administration had said previously that it would...
Yemen bogged down in crisis

Yemen bogged down in crisis

(VOVworld) – The 72-hour ceasefire in Yemen brokered by the UN has collapsed due to continuous fighting between Arab coalition and the Houthi forces. The impoverished country of the Arabian...
Moscow accuses US of violating INF Treaty

Moscow accuses US of violating INF Treaty

(VOVworld) – Russia has described the deployment of missile launchers in Romania as part of a US missile defense system as a violation of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF Treaty...