Revolution on climate change response

Revolution on climate change response

(VOVworld) – After 2 weeks of tense negotiations, a historic climate agreement was finally adopted on December 12 by 195 countries at COP21, the UN conference on climate change, in Paris....
Government forces triumph in southern Yemen

Government forces triumph in southern Yemen

(VOVworld) – Forces loyal to Yemen’s President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi retook complete control of Abyan province from Houthi rebels, after taking over the town of Loder, a military source said...
France celebrates 226th National Day

France celebrates 226th National Day

(VOVworld) – France marked its 226th National Day with a parade in the Champs Elysees, between the Arch of Triumph and the Place de la Concorde
Vietnamese media honor Victory Day over Nazism

Vietnamese media honor Victory Day over Nazism

(VOVworld) – Several Vietnamese newspapers cover the 70th anniversary of the Soviet Union’s victory over Nazism. The People’s daily newspaper reviewed major milestones in the battle of Stalingrad,...
Forever remains the triumphant smile

Forever remains the triumphant smile

(VOVworld) - The smile of student Vo Thi Thang at a court of the Republic of Vietnam 46 years ago has become a symbol of revolutionary optimism. A Japanese photographer snapped her moment and...
August Revolution and its current values

August Revolution and its current values

(VOVworld) – 69 years ago the Communist Party of Vietnam and President Ho Chi Minh launched a national uprising to wipe out feudalism, overthrow the French colonialists and establish the Democratic Republic...
Geneva Agreement retains its value

Geneva Agreement retains its value

(VOVworld) – A meeting was held in Hanoi on Friday to mark the 60th anniversary of the signing of the Geneva Agreement on a ceasefire in Vietnam. Party leader Nguyen Phu Trong, President...