Azerbaijan Barbecue – Shishlik (Kabab)

Azerbaijan Barbecue – Shishlik (Kabab)

(VOVWORLD) - When mentioning barbecue, you may immediately think of skewers of meat or fish cooked outdoors over a fire. But there is a lot more to discover about styles of...
Everyday life in Vietnam in the eyes of German writer

Everyday life in Vietnam in the eyes of German writer

(VOVWORLD) - In comparison with Vietnamese writers, how does a foreign observer describe Vietnam’s rivers, markets, motorbikes, pho, and draft beer? Renowned contemporary German poet Jan Wagner provides a fascinating answer...
Iran Film Week 2024 to begin on Jan 10

Iran Film Week 2024 to begin on Jan 10

(VOVWORLD) - “Iran Film Week” will be held at the National Cinema Center in Hanoi next Wednesday on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Vietnam and Iran
Ashiq, a syncretic art form of Azerbaijan

Ashiq, a syncretic art form of Azerbaijan

(VOVWORLD) - Azerbaijan has had, to date, 19 Intangible Cultural Heritages of Humanity recognized by UNESCO. One of themp is the art of ashiq, which was recognized in 2009....
Vietnam PM proposes directions for ASEAN-Japan relations

Vietnam PM proposes directions for ASEAN-Japan relations

(VOVWORLD) - Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh on Sunday proposed some directions for the development of ASEAN-Japan relations, including strengthening strategic coordination and jointly promoting the building of an open, inclusive...