EU, Turkey address migration crisis

EU, Turkey address migration crisis

(VOVworld)- After negotiating for 12 hours in Brussels on March 7, EU and Turkish leaders failed to find a solution to the worst migrant crisis since World War II. They...
A million migrants flee to Europe in 2015

A million migrants flee to Europe in 2015

(VOVworld) - Persecution, political conflict, and poverty have driven one million people to seek safety in Europe in 2015, according to estimates by the UN Refugee Agency, UNHCR and the International Organization...
Canada continues support Syrian refugees

Canada continues support Syrian refugees

(VOVworld) - Canada will give an extra 75 million USD to the United Nations' refugee agency to help it deal with the Syrian crisis, International Development Minister Marie-Claude Bibeau said...
Turkey proposes plan to deal with refugees

Turkey proposes plan to deal with refugees

(VOVworld) – Turkey has suggested a two-track plan to tackle the escalating international refugee crisis, including building entirely new cities for displaced people and founding an umbrella organization financed by...
UN warns of uncertain status for refugees in Europe

UN warns of uncertain status for refugees in Europe

(VOVworld) – Illegal migrants fleeing across the Mediterranean to Europe might get stuck in limbo if European countries apply different policies, the United Nations warned amid EU squabbles over how to...
AL leaders discuss migration

AL leaders discuss migration

(VOVworld) – Foreign Ministers of the Arab League gathered in Cairo on Sunday to discuss regional issues including the current crisis of Syrian migrants to Europe
UN delivers humanitarian aid to Ukraine

UN delivers humanitarian aid to Ukraine

(VOVworld)- The United Nations delivered 62 tons of humanitarian aid to Donetsk on Thursday. This includes essential hygiene items, warm clothes, blankets, condensed milk powder, drinking water, and medical supplies procured by the United Nations...
29 illegal migrants died off Italian coast

29 illegal migrants died off Italian coast

(VOVworld) - At least 29 illegal migrants died from hypothermia on Monday while traveling to Italy on a ship in the southernmost Italian island of Lampedusa, said Italian coast guard commander...