US: State of emergency declared in Ferguson

US: State of emergency declared in Ferguson

(VOVworld) - Authorities declared a state of emergency in Ferguson, Missouri, on Monday to prevent a repeat of the violence that erupted Sunday night during protests of the police shooting of an unarmed...
Thailand passes protest ban

Thailand passes protest ban

(VOVworld) – Thailand passed a bill on Wednesday requiring protest organisers to seek official permission at least 24 hours before holding a rally
Foreign friends’ impressions of Ho Chi Minh

Foreign friends’ impressions of Ho Chi Minh

(VOVworld) – President Ho Chi Minh is a name that kindles respectful feelings among Vietnamese people and good impressions among foreign friends. Around the world, especially in places he traveled to,...
UN condemns Texas shooting

UN condemns Texas shooting

(VOVworld) – UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has condemned the shooting in Texas on Sunday of anti-Islamic protesters
Europeans protest TTIP agreement

Europeans protest TTIP agreement

(VOVworld) – Officials from the EU and the US resumed talks on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership in New York on Monday
Yemen rejects Iran’s peace plan

Yemen rejects Iran’s peace plan

(VOVworld)- Yemen's government has rejected a four-point peace plan for the country that Iran submitted to the United Nations, a spokesman said on Saturday
Syria enters fifth year of conflict

Syria enters fifth year of conflict

(VOVworld) – The Syrian conflict, which began as an uprising to protest the administration of President Bashar al-Assad, has entered its fifth year
Egypt sets new Morsi espionage trial for Feb 15

Egypt sets new Morsi espionage trial for Feb 15

(VOVworld) – Egypt's ousted president Mohamed Morsi will face a new espionage trial on February 15 for allegedly leaking "classified documents" to Qatar and Al-Jazeera television, a judicial source...