Sri Lanka declares state of emergency

Sri Lanka declares state of emergency

(VOVWORLD) -Sri Lanka's Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe, who is acting President of the South Asian country, on Wednesday declared a state of emergency as President Gotabaya Rajapaksa has left...
UN calls for dialogue in Sri Lanka

UN calls for dialogue in Sri Lanka

(VOVWORLD) -UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Monday called for a smooth transition of government in Sri Lanka and sustainable solutions to the current economic crisis, said his deputy spokesman
Large-scale protest staged in Sudan’s capital

Large-scale protest staged in Sudan’s capital

(VOVWORLD) - Thousands of Sudanese protesters rallied Saturday two months on since a military coup, demanding soldiers "go back to the barracks" and calling for a transition to civilian rule
Sudan suspended from the African Union

Sudan suspended from the African Union

(VOVWORLD) - The African Union said Wednesday it has suspended Sudan until civilian rule in the country is restored, and it rejects the military takeover as an "unconstitutional" seizure of power
UK will not block Scottish independence vote

UK will not block Scottish independence vote

(VOVWORLD) - The UK government will not stand in the way of another vote on Scottish independence if it is the “settled will” of the voters, UK Cabinet Office Minister Michael...
Clashes flare up in Jerusalem and West Bank

Clashes flare up in Jerusalem and West Bank

(VOVWORLD) - Israeli police on Friday arrested 16 Palestinians during clashes at Jerusalem’s Al-Aqsa Mosque compound, with nine people injured as protesters hurled rocks and officers fired rubber bullets