Fighting fake news on internet

Fighting fake news on internet

(VOVWORLD) - Fake news on the internet is posing major challenges to Vietnam’s national construction and defense destabilizing national politics, and eroding people’s trust in the Party. Government agencies...
US to re-impose sanctions on Iran in mid-December

US to re-impose sanctions on Iran in mid-December

(VOVWORLD) - Iran now has sufficient uranium enrichment and there is no legitimate reason for Iran to resume enrichment at its Fordow uranium enrichment facility, said US Secretary of State Mike...
Unrest rises in Bolivia

Unrest rises in Bolivia

(VOVWORLD) - La Paz police are asking for help from the Bolivian military, being unable to cope with the situation on the streets. Bolivian Armed Forces Commander Williams Kaliman said that...
Chile pulls out of hosting APEC and COP 25

Chile pulls out of hosting APEC and COP 25

(VOVWORLD) - Chile on Wednesday withdrew from hosting the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation summit and the COP 25 climate change conference as it struggles to restore order amid clashes between protesters...
Violence erupts in Catalonia protest

Violence erupts in Catalonia protest

(VOVWORLD) - Violence erupted in Barcelona after at least half a million people protest the heavy sentences handed down to Catalan politicians and activists
 1,000 yellow vests protest across France

1,000 yellow vests protest across France

(VOVWORLD) - French police repeatedly used tear gas and water cannons to break up a protest on Saturday by nearly 1,000 yellow vest demonstrators in the southern city of Toulouse
Anti-Monsanto protest takes place across France

Anti-Monsanto protest takes place across France

(VOVWORLD) - Thousands of French took to the streets of 40 major cities on Saturday to protest US agrochemical giant Monsanto over the harmful effects of its glyphosate-based weedkiller, including...
Coup cannot preserve peace

Coup cannot preserve peace

(VOVWORLD) - The Venezuelan army on Tuesday claimed to have defeated a coup attempt by opposition leader Juan Guaido. Though the Venezuelan government and people have lots to do to overcome the...