Vietnam calls for dialogue on Myanmar

Vietnam calls for dialogue on Myanmar

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnam has called on all parties in Myanmar to show restraint and hold dialogues to find a solution in line with Myanmar’s Constitution and laws, as well...
55 charged so far from Capitol riot

55 charged so far from Capitol riot

(VOVWORLD) - The acting US attorney in Washington, Mike Sherwin, said on Thursday that his office has now charged 55 suspects with various offenses, including unlawful entry, assault, theft and weapons...
US Congress undergoes historic attack

US Congress undergoes historic attack

(VOVWORLD) - On Wednesday (US time), the Capitol in Washington DC, the headquarters of the US Congress was attacked for the first time in more than 200 years. A joint session...
Issues behind protests in US

Issues behind protests in US

(VOVWORLD) - In the three weeks since new racial discrimination protests were triggered by the killing of an unarmed black man by police in Minneapolis, Minnesota, the protests have continued to...
Anti-racism demonstrations spread worldwide

Anti-racism demonstrations spread worldwide

(VOVWORLD) - Racial discrimination protests continue to spread across the US and many cities worldwide, triggered by the death of an unarmed black man while in police custody in Minneapolis, Minnesota
US to declare Antifa terrorist organization

US to declare Antifa terrorist organization

(VOVWORLD) - US President Donald Trump took to Twitter to announce on Sunday that the US will be classifying the Antifa movement as a terrorist group after blaming it for some...
George Floyd protests spread in US

George Floyd protests spread in US

(VOVWORLD) - Protests have spread in the US following the killing of George Floyd after a white officer pressed a knee into his neck while taking him into custody in Minnesota
Hong Kong condemns violent protesters

Hong Kong condemns violent protesters

(VOVWORLD) - China’s Hong Kong Special Administrative Region on Sunday issued a statement strongly condemning violence by extremist protesters and supporting enforcement of the law by the police
Protest calls for climate action ahead of WEF 2020

Protest calls for climate action ahead of WEF 2020

(VOVWORLD) - Swedish young activist Greta Thunberg joined thousands of protesters on the streets of Lausanne, Switzerland Friday, just several days before the World Economic Forum (WEF) for the world’s...
Middle East mired in escalating tensions

Middle East mired in escalating tensions

(VOVWORLD) - Tensions in the Middle East has been escalating following the US’s declaration of additional troops deployed to the region after hundreds protesters stormed its embassy compound in Iraq on Tuesday....
Iran's General killed in airport attack

Iran's General killed in airport attack

(VOVWORLD) - Iraqi television reported Friday that General Qassem Soleimani, head of Iran's elite Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps' (IRGC's) Quds Force, was killed by a US air attack at...