Pyongyang reiterates reconciliation with Seoul

Pyongyang reiterates reconciliation with Seoul

(VOVworld) – Ji Jae-ryong, the Democratic Republic of Korea (DPRK) ambassador to China, once again reiterates Pyongyang’s determination to resume 6-party nuclear talks and calls on the US...
DPRK urges better relations with RoK

DPRK urges better relations with RoK

(VOVworld) - The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) has called for efforts by the Republic of Korea (RoK) "to create a mood" to improve inter-Korean ties

DPRK’s Embassy in Hanoi holds a banquet

(VOvworld)- The Ambassador of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea Kim Chang In held a banquet in Hanoi on Thursday to celebrate the 55th anniversary of President Kim...
DPRK confirms cut-off of military hotline with RoK

DPRK confirms cut-off of military hotline with RoK

Pongyang has cut off the last key channel of communication with the Republic of Korea amid high tensions on the Korean peninsula. A DPRK military communications liaison officer notified the RoK of the decision...
ASEAN concerns over DPRK’s nuclear test

ASEAN concerns over DPRK’s nuclear test

(VOVworld/VNA) - ASEAN Secretary General Le Luong Minh said on Tuesday that ASEAN member states have expressed their deep concerns over the effect on regional peace and stability caused by the...
DRPK declares martial law

DRPK declares martial law

(VOV) – The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea has declared the martial law and its leader Kim Jong-un has told his frontline troops to prepare for war
Enhancing Vietnam-DPRK ties

Enhancing Vietnam-DPRK ties

(VOVworld) - Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme People’s Assembly of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) Kim Yong Nam has begun a three-day official visit to...
Vietnam, DPRK to boost educational ties

Vietnam, DPRK to boost educational ties

(VOVworld) – Vietnam hopes to boost cultural and educational ties with the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) and will create favorable conditions for Korean students to study in Vietnam
DPRK denies policy change

DPRK denies policy change

An official of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) has denied any policy change in his country. The spokesman of the Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of Korea yesterday...
DPRK puts rocket on pad for satellite launch

DPRK puts rocket on pad for satellite launch

(VOVWorld) The rocket to be used for the planned satellite launch later this month by the North Korea has been positioned on its launch pad. 70 reporters were invited to take a...
Japan to extend sanctions on DPRK

Japan to extend sanctions on DPRK

The Japanese government will extend its sanctions on the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) for one more year after the current bans expire next month
China, DPRK discuss Korean Peninsula situation

China, DPRK discuss Korean Peninsula situation

China's special representative for the Korean Peninsula, Wu Dawei, met with Ri Yong-Ho, Vice Foreign Minister of Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, in Beijing on Monday to discuss...
DPRK defends its satellite launch

DPRK defends its satellite launch

Democratic People’s Republic of Korea has asserted its right to launch satellites, dismissing accusations that DPRK is intending to hide a missile test