Indonesia sets free 33 VNese fishermen

Indonesia sets free 33 VNese fishermen

(VOVworld) – 33 of the 48 Vietnamese fishermen who have been detained in Indonesia’s West Kalimantan, will be freed to reunite with their families for the Lunar New Year

Indonesia arrests 11 in terror strike plots

An Indonesian anti-terror squad arrested 11 militants who were plotting a series of strikes — including an attack against a U.S. embassy. The suspects, who are believed to belong to a local...
ASEAN annual cultural exchange held in Jakarta

ASEAN annual cultural exchange held in Jakarta

(VOV) - An annual exchange featuring the traditional food and cultures of ASEAN member countries entitled “Contact Morning” was held at the Vietnamese embassy in Jakarta, Indonesia on Saturday
Indonesia, Japan discuss East Sea issue

Indonesia, Japan discuss East Sea issue

Japan`s Foreign Minister Koichiro Gemba and Indonesia`s Marty Natalegawa have agreed to promote cooperation between the two countries both in bilateral and multilateral issues