Ban Ki-moon calls for Middle East peace

Ban Ki-moon calls for Middle East peace

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Friday met with Israeli President Shimon Peres and called on Israeli and the Palestinian governments to overcome “deep skepticism” to reach a peace deal....
Middle East peace talks could restart on July 30

Middle East peace talks could restart on July 30

(VOVworld)- Peace talks between Israel and Palestine will resume next Tuesday in Washington. Negotiation will be led by the Palestinian chief negotiator Saeb Erakat and his counterpart Israeli Justice minister Tzipi Livni...
Israel, Palestine accept new mediator

Israel, Palestine accept new mediator

(VOVworld) – Israel and Palestine have accepted former US Ambassador to Israel Martin Indyk as mediator in upcoming peace negotiations in Washington. Indyk is Vice President and Director for Foreign Policy...
Israel, Palestine step up negotiations

Israel, Palestine step up negotiations

(VOVworld) – Israeli and Palestinian leaders who wish to restart the dormant peace process will soon achieve a boost due to efforts by US Secretary of State John Kerry. Israeli Prime...