American voters favor ending sanctions against Cuba

(VOVworld) – Solid majorities of US voters in Ohio, Indiana, Iowa, and Tennessee favor diplomatic relations with Cuba and an end to trade and travel restrictions, according to a poll by the Atlantic Council released Tuesday.
American voters favor ending sanctions against Cuba - ảnh 1
Goods are loaded at Mariel port on the outskirts of Havana, Cuba on October 6th (Photo: Reuters)

68 percent of those surveyed approved of restoring diplomatic ties, which was achieved in July, versus 26 percent who disapproved. The respondents favored ending the trade embargo, which remains in place, by 58 percent to 35 percent. The poll showed 67 percent favored ending current restrictions on Americans traveling to Cuba, compared to 28 percent against US presidential election candidates of Cuban origin like Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz and former Florida state governor Jeb Bush may have to consider new strategies for their election campaign.
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