Cooperation and friendship to serve the interests of Vietnamese and Chinese people

(VOVworld) – China’s Daily newspaper ran an article by Vietnamese ambassador to China Nguyen Van Tho to mark the 65th anniversary of Vietnam-China diplomatic ties.

Cooperation and friendship to serve the interests of Vietnamese and Chinese people - ảnh 1

The article affirmed Vietnam’s consistent policy of developing a comprehensive strategic partnership with China, calling it a top priority of Vietnam’s foreign policy. The article said Vietnamese people are grateful for China’s help during Vietnam’s struggle for national independence and national construction and renewal. Vietnam considers China’s development and prosperity to be opportunities for Vietnam and hopes China does also.

According to the article, 2015 is a significant year for both Vietnam and China, as the two countries will organize a number of activities to mark the 65th anniversary of bilateral ties. Ambassador Tho said that in order to boost this tie, Vietnam and China should promote high-level exchanges between Ministries, sectors, Party Committees and people-to-people exchanges. Maritime conflicts should be resolved by peaceful means while respecting each other’s interests and international laws.

