Serbia, Kosovo vow to keep peace on track

(VOVworld) - The Premiers of Kosovo and Serbia, Hashim Thaci and Ivica Dacic, vowed Wednesday to keep a peace deal on track despite election violence by Serb extremists in Kosovo.

Serbia, Kosovo vow to keep peace on track  - ảnh 1
Premier of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci (Source: preseurop)

Mr. Thaci said both governments condemned the incidents as election officials in Kosovo ordered a re-run vote in Kosovska Motrovica where Serbs stormed a polling station and destroyed ballot boxes on Sunday. The election was part of an historic April peace deal brokered by the European Union's top diplomat Catherine Ashton, who in exchange offered the onetime foes closer ties with the 28-nation bloc. Dacic meanwhile urged ethnic Serbs, who make up the majority in northern Kosovo, to turn out in force for the November 17 re-run in Kosovska Mitrovica and to peacefully cast their votes.

