Syrian opposition leader rejects Russia’s peace talks proposal

(VOVworld) – Khaled Khoja, newly-elected leader of the Syrian opposition, refuses to attend the up-coming Russian-led peace talks, saying Monday that it’s impossible.  

Syrian opposition leader rejects Russia’s peace talks proposal - ảnh 1

Khaled Khoja was chosen as the new leader of the Syrian National Coalition after current chief Hadi al-Bahra refused to run for re-election. (Photo: Hurriyet Daily News)

He said the Syrian National Coalition (SNC) won’t attend such talks unless the Damascus government accepts ceding its power and forming a transitional government.
Russia invited 28 Syrian opposition leaders living in exile in Turkey, including Khoja’s predecessor, Hadi al-Bahra, to attend a meeting in Moscow before the end of this month, to discuss ways to end the conflict in Syria.

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