US hopes China will not escalate tensions when Pelosi visit Chinese Taipei

(VOVWORLD) - US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Monday that the US hopes China will not escalate tensions on the occasion of a visit to Chinese Taipei by House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
US hopes China will not escalate tensions when Pelosi visit Chinese Taipei  - ảnh 1House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi. (Photo: RT)

Blinken said if Pelosi visits Chinese Taipei it will be entirely her decision and if China seeks to create a crisis or escalate tensions that will be entirely China’s decision. Blinken said he hopes China will behave responsibly and not take steps to escalate tensions if the visit takes place.

Chinese Ambassador to the UN Zhang Jun said Monday that a visit by Pelosi would be very provocative and should not be compared to the last time a US House Speaker visited the island claimed by Beijing in 1997.

Sources in the US and  Chinese Taipei said China is threatening not to sit idly by if Pelosi makes the visit.

China's Foreign Ministry said Monday that the visit would be a blatant intervention in China's internal affairs and warned of possible serious consequences.  



