VOV, CMG discuss development strategies in the new context
VOV correspondent in China -
(VOVWORLD) -The Voice of Vietnam (VOV) and China Media Group (CMG) have agreed to strengthen the exchange of development experiences amid the technological boom to enhance the role of their media organizations.
VOV Vice President Pham Manh Hung (L) and Fan Yun, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of CMG. (Photo: VOV) |
Speaking at a meeting with Mr. Fan Yun, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of CMG, on Tuesday, VOV Vice President Pham Manh Hung said VOV is ready to cover China’s development achievements and hopes CMG will share information about Vietnam’s development achievements with the Chinese audience.
Mr. Fan Yun said CMG, a long-standing partner of VOV in China, is eager to renew bilateral cooperation agreement to continue the collaborative programs that have been successfully implemented in the past.
The two discussed the digital transformation of broadcasting, and the challenges and opportunities AI presents for traditional media. They agreed to share experience in applying those technologies to program production and distribution.
VOV correspondent in China