Work starts on specialties trade centre in An Giang province

(VOVWORLD) -Construction of a trade center showcasing Vietnamese specialties began on Friday in Chau Doc city hoping to boost the development of An Giang province’s tourism industry. 

Work starts on specialties trade centre in An Giang province - ảnh 1The ground-breaking ceremony for construction of the Specialties Trade Centre of Vietnam in An Giang province on December 30, 2022. (Photo:

The center includes zones that sell regional specialties of Vietnam, pedestrian streets, food courts of Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand, areas that sell agricultural products, and event venues.

With a special geo-economic position, Chau Doc is the tourist center of An Giang province in which trade and services account for 80% of the city's economic structure.

In 2022, Chau Doc received more than 4.1 million visitors and revenue from the tourism sector was 127 million USD.


