Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

A: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Well, the Christmas atmosphere is really exciting now, not only in the streets and shopping centers but also in work places- even...
France marks National Day on July 14th

France marks National Day on July 14th

(VOVworld) – France on Tuesday celebrated the 225th anniversary of its National Day with a military parade marching down the Champs-Elysees Avenue to the Concorde Square
Visiting Yen Tu pagoda

Visiting Yen Tu pagoda

(VOVworld)- The Yen Tu historical site stretches 20 km along Phuong Dong and Yen Cong communes in Uong Bi town of Quang Ninh province. Nestled in the magnificent landscape, Yen Tu mountain is famous for...
IMF agrees to its part of Cyprus’ bailout

IMF agrees to its part of Cyprus’ bailout

IMF managing director Christine Lagarde said Wednesday the IMF will contribute 891 million euros to a financial rescue package for Cyprus of 10 billion euros (12.8 billion USD)
Vietnam attends IPU meeting in Ecuador

Vietnam attends IPU meeting in Ecuador

(VOV) – The Vice Chairwoman of the National Assembly, Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan, is attending the 128th Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) General Assembly in Ecuador from March 22-27
ASEAN concerns over DPRK’s nuclear test

ASEAN concerns over DPRK’s nuclear test

(VOVworld/VNA) - ASEAN Secretary General Le Luong Minh said on Tuesday that ASEAN member states have expressed their deep concerns over the effect on regional peace and stability caused by the...
Top 10 world events 2012  selected by VOV

Top 10 world events 2012 selected by VOV

1. 2012- A year of elections and power transitions Russia witnessed a Presidential power transition between Vladimir Putin and Dimitry Medvedev: Putin became Russian President after the Presidential election on March...