Art performance honors national anthem composer

Art performance honors national anthem composer

(VOVWORLD) - President Vo Van Thuong and other Party and State leaders attended an art performance in Hanoi on Sunday to celebrate the 100th birthday of famous composer, poet, and painter Van Cao,...
General Vo Nguyen Giap and historical milestones

General Vo Nguyen Giap and historical milestones

(VOVWORLD) - This autumn Vietnam celebrates the 76th anniversary of the August Revolution that gave birth to the Democratic Republic of Vietnam. The celebration coincides with the 110th birthday on August 25 of General Vo...
Leaders commemorate President Ho Chi Minh

Leaders commemorate President Ho Chi Minh

(VOVWORLD) - Party and State leaders and National Assembly deputies on Tuesday paid homage to President Ho Chi Minh to mark the late leader’s 130th birthday, one day ahead...
Film week features President Ho Chi Minh

Film week features President Ho Chi Minh

(VOVWORLD) - A film week celebrating President Ho Chi Minh’s 130th birthday, May 19, will take place from May 19 to 26, Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism has said
The Tale of Kieu adapted to Cheo popular theater

The Tale of Kieu adapted to Cheo popular theater

(VOVworld) – “The tale of Kieu” by famous Vietnamese poet Nguyen Du has been adapted to several genres including Cheo popular theater and Tuong classical opera. A memorable scene featuring a jealous lady...