US boosts military cooperation with Gulf countries

US boosts military cooperation with Gulf countries

(VOVworld) - Washington and Gulf countries would step up efforts to share intelligence and increase the number of joint military exercises, said US Secretary of State John Kerry Monday, following talks...
German police arrest 2 IS suspects

German police arrest 2 IS suspects

(VOVworld) – German police have arrested two Germans suspected of being members of a militant group which linked up with the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, the federal prosecutors’ office...
New air strikes in Gaza Strip

New air strikes in Gaza Strip

Tensions remain high around the Gaza Strip after Palestinian armed forces fired rockets into Southern Israel triggering Israeli air strikes which killed 4 gunmen
Thorny way to peace in Middle East

Thorny way to peace in Middle East

(VOVworld) - The road to peace in the Middle East is strewn with obstacles. International diplomatic efforts to bring Palestine and Israel to the negotiating table have been clouded by clashes and disagreements over...
Party leader receives Qatari Emir

Party leader receives Qatari Emir

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong says Vietnam always attaches importance to developing ties with Qatar, a key partner in the Persian Gulf
Corruption shaking Kuwait

Corruption shaking Kuwait

The biggest demonstration in Kuwait’s history took place Monday with more than 90,000 people taking to the street after the resignation of the government