Eating and cooking habits of the US

Eating and cooking habits of the US

(VOVworld) - A research by suggests that at least 1 in 4 people in the US eat some type of fast food every day and cooking at home is dying. Is it...
Vietnamese Royal Embroidery - From past to present

Vietnamese Royal Embroidery - From past to present

(VOVworld) -Vietnamese royal embroidery, the art of decorating fabric with a needle and thread, has a history of more than 700 years. As time passed, embroidery came and went in popularity, but it still...
Vietnam ready for APEC Year 2017

Vietnam ready for APEC Year 2017

(VOVworld)- Vietnam is ready to host the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Year 2017, all preparations having been being basically completed on schedule, said Deputy Foreign Minister Bui Thanh in...
US President expects to sign multiple FTAs

US President expects to sign multiple FTAs

(VOVworld) – US President Donald Trump said he expected to sign multiple bilateral trade agreements instead of multilateral agreement like the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement
Syrian peace talks: negative signs

Syrian peace talks: negative signs

(VOVworld) – The UN Security Council has approved a resolution on a cease fire in Syria, mediated by Russia, Turkey, and Iran. It paves the way for a peace talks scheduled to take place in Astana, the capital...
Christmas celebration in the US

Christmas celebration in the US

(VOVworld) - Christmas is an occasion that has been celebrated across the world. People from the US particularly have developed their own Christmas traditions and observances, and these have changed greatly over time....
French Prime Minister to run for President

French Prime Minister to run for President

(VOVworld) - French Prime Minister Manuel Valls has announced he is standing for next year's presidential election. Mr Valls will resign on Tuesday to face other contenders from the...
Donald Trump works to gain trust of voters

Donald Trump works to gain trust of voters

(VOVworld)- In his Gettysburg Address, on October 22, Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump outlined what he would do in his first 100 days were he to become US president. Trump...