EU-Canada free trade agreement in trouble

EU-Canada free trade agreement in trouble

(VOVworld) – 3 days after the parliament of the French Community of Belgium rejected the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) between the EU and Canada, thousands of Europeans took to the street to...
Meetings on the sideline of G20 Summit

Meetings on the sideline of G20 Summit

(VOVworld) – On Monday, the Australian Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnbull, said that Australia is likely to sign a Free Trade Agreement with Britain in the post-Brexit era
Spain fails to form a government

Spain fails to form a government

(VOVworld) - A majority of Spanish lawmakers on Wednesday rejected conservative party leader Mariano Rajoy's bid to form a government, signaling that Spain's eight-month political deadlock is unlikely...
Europeans worry migrants may increase terror threat

Europeans worry migrants may increase terror threat

(VOVworld) - Monday's poll by the Pew Research Center found that in eight of the ten European nations surveyed, half or more believe that the influx of migrants increases the likelihood of terrorism in their country. The survey covered the European...
US President tours Europe

US President tours Europe

(VOVworld) – US President Barack Obama began a European tour to help strengthen a divided EU in the wake of Britain’s vote to leave and to minimize Russia’s influence. During his 5...