Assessment of top 500 private enterprises released

Assessment of top 500 private enterprises released

(VOVWORLD) - The Vietnam Institute for Development Strategies, the Ministry of Planning and Investment, and Konrad-Adenaeur-Stiftung Vietnam (KAS) on Thursday held a workshop on the assessment of the top 500...
Digitization improves medical checkups and treatment

Digitization improves medical checkups and treatment

(VOVWORLD) - Healthcare is one of the sectors having been prioritized to adapt digital transformation with a focus on promoting digitization and reducing procedure time at medical facilities. At hospitals, this...
Digital transformation - important premise to realize Party resolution

Digital transformation - important premise to realize Party resolution

(VOVWORLD) - The Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress identifies three strategic breakthroughs for national development. One of them is developing infrastructure for information and telecommunications to create a foundation for national digital transformation, heading to...
Ruin pubs – the soul of Budapest nightlife

Ruin pubs – the soul of Budapest nightlife

(VOVWORLD) - Budapest, the capital of Hungary, seamlessly combines its past and present, exemplified by Buda and Pest, the two distinctive halves of the city separated by the Danube River. While Buda offers a tranquil and somewhat...