Russia, energy top EU summit’s agenda

Russia, energy top EU summit’s agenda

(VOVworld) – The establishment of an Energy Union and tense relations with Russia are high on the agenda of the EU summit scheduled for Thursday and Friday in Brussels, Belgium
Vietnam attends ADMM-9

Vietnam attends ADMM-9

(VOVworld) – A high-level Vietnamese delegation, led by Defense Minister General Phung Quang Thanh, is attending the ninth ASEAN Defense Ministers’ Meeting that opened on Monday in Langkawi, Malaysia
Air strike hit IS-run oil refinery in Syria

Air strike hit IS-run oil refinery in Syria

(VOVworld) - A US-led coalition air strike in Syria hit an oil refinery run by Islamic State (IS) near the border with Turkey on Sunday, killing 30 people, according to Rami...
UN peacekeeper killed in attack in Mali's Kidal

UN peacekeeper killed in attack in Mali's Kidal

(VOVworld) - Two civilians and a UN peacekeeper were killed when militants attacked a barracks used by the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA) in the northern Malian...
IS executes more than 40 people in Iraq

IS executes more than 40 people in Iraq

(VOVworld) - The Islamic State (IS) militants Tuesday executed over 40 people, many were security members, in Iraq's western province of Anbar, a provincial security source said