OSCE calls for respecting ceasefire agreement

OSCE calls for respecting ceasefire agreement

(VOVworld) – The OSCE Chairperson-in-Office and Serbia’s Foreign Minister, Ivica Dačić, has called on warring parties in eastern Ukraine to respect the ceasefire, after they had resumed military...
Ukraine declares high alert nationwide

Ukraine declares high alert nationwide

(VOVworld) – The Ukrainian government on Monday decided to impose a state of emergency across the country due to escalating tensions in eastern provinces of Lugansk and Donetsk
Clashes erupt outside Ukrainian Parliament office

Clashes erupt outside Ukrainian Parliament office

(VOVworld) – Clashes broke out Tuesday outside the Ukrainian Parliament office as deputies inside repeatedly voted down proposals to recognise certain members of the nationalist Svoboda Party as national heroes
Ukrainian parties violate cease-fire

Ukrainian parties violate cease-fire

(VOVworld) – Shells continue to land in Donetsk and Mariupol seaport, despite a 2-day-old cease-fire between the Kiev government and the opposition
Russia asks Ukraine to end military campaign

Russia asks Ukraine to end military campaign

(VOVworld) – Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said Monday that Ukraine’s newly elected President Petro Poroshenko will find Russia a reliable partner if he acts for Ukrainians’ interests
Russia confirms no military activity in Ukraine

Russia confirms no military activity in Ukraine

(VOVworld) - Russia conducts no military activity on Ukrainian territory, Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Aleksander Lukashevich said on Thursday in connection with the “concern” of the Ukrainian authorities over Russia’s military...