Tension rises on Korean peninsula

Tension rises on Korean peninsula

(VOVworld) – The South Korea’s Defense Ministry reported Monday that about 100 shells fired by North Korea landed in the Yellow Sea south of the Northern Limit Line
DPRK launches 2 more mid-range missiles

DPRK launches 2 more mid-range missiles

(VOVworld) – The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea on Wednesday launched 2 medium-range ballistic missiles towards the sea from the eastern coast of the Korean Peninsula
DPRK launches missiles into sea

DPRK launches missiles into sea

(VOVworld)- The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea launched two short range missiles into the sea off its eastern coast on Monday
IAEA prepares to inspect Iran’s uranium mine

IAEA prepares to inspect Iran’s uranium mine

(VOVworld) – Iran’s Atomic Energy Organization (AEO) has said international nuclear experts will inspect Iran's Gachin uranium mine later this month for the first time in almost nine years
DPRK warns to attack RoK “without notice”

DPRK warns to attack RoK “without notice”

(VOVworld) – The Republic of Korea reveals that the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea has threatened to launch surprise attacks in retaliation for anti-Pyongyang protests in Seoul early this...
Vietnam, Cambodia boost Fatherland Front cooperation

Vietnam, Cambodia boost Fatherland Front cooperation

(VOVworld) – The Vietnamese people are proud of the solidarity and friendship with Cambodia and of the constant development of ties between the two countries’ Fatherland Fronts, according to Deputy Prime Minister...
North Korea issues ultimatum to South Korea

North Korea issues ultimatum to South Korea

(VOVworld) - North Korea has issued an ultimatum to South Korea threatening an immediate military act in response to any repeated activity against North Korea by South Korea
Challenges to inter-Korean relationship

Challenges to inter-Korean relationship

(VOVworld) – The tense relationship between the two Koreas has heightened following a series of tough words and actions from both sides. The situation on the Korean peninsula is dire and...
North Korea planning large military drill

North Korea planning large military drill

A large-scale military drill is likely to be held this month in North Korea, Seoul's defense ministry said this week. Kim Min-seok, a ministry spokesman, said the...