Promoting democracy in building Constitution

Promoting democracy in building Constitution

(VOVworld) - Five months since it was made available for public comment, the draft of the revised 1992 Constitution was officially discussed on Monday at the 5th session of the 13th National Assembly. Deputies...
13th National Assembly’s 5th session begins

13th National Assembly’s 5th session begins

(VOVworld) – The 5th session of the 13th National Assembly opened in Hanoi on Monday May 20. Attending the event were leaders of the Party, State, Government, National Assembly, and the Vietnam...
Biased reports on human rights in Vietnam

Biased reports on human rights in Vietnam

(VOVworld) -The European Parliament on April 18 issued a resolution on human rights in Vietnam saying that Vietnam violates the right to freedom of expression. After that, the US Department of State released...
Public contribution to revised 1992 Constitution

Public contribution to revised 1992 Constitution

(VOVworld)- The draft revision of the 1992 Constitution has been made available for the public’s comments on the political system, human rights, citizens’ basic rights and obligations, national...
People’s important role in constitutional revision

People’s important role in constitutional revision

(VOVworld) – The draft revision to the 1992 Constitution has been made public on Wednesday for feedback. Vietnamese people of all social strata living inside or outside the country as well as domestic organizations are...
National Assembly’s legislative reform

National Assembly’s legislative reform

(VOVworld) – The 13th National Assembly has improved its performance, especially in legislative work, in 2012. Vietnam’s highest legislative body has determined to improve the quality and number of laws...
Party leader visits Vinh Long province

Party leader visits Vinh Long province

(VOVworld) - Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong has paid a working visit to Vinh Long province to inspect the implementation of the Party’s resolutions, the development of new rural...