East Sea workshop held in Russia

East Sea workshop held in Russia

(VOVworld) – A workshop on the East Sea took place in Moscow this week. Presentations at the workshop discussed China’s recent illegal activities in the East Sea and showed...
China asked to abide by international law

China asked to abide by international law

(VOVworld)- China’s illegal placement of oil rig Haiyang 981 in Vietnam’s exclusive economic zone and continental shelf has caused increasing tensions in the East Sea and violated the...
China's scheme to monopolize the East Sea

China's scheme to monopolize the East Sea

(VOVworld) – In discussing China’s placement of oil rig Haiyang 981 on Vietnam’s continental shelf, lawyers and legal experts have presented much evidence and many arguments exposing China’s blatant violation...
Actions against international law

Actions against international law

(VOVworld)- China’s illegal placement of oil rig HD 981 in Vietnam’s exclusive economic zone and continental shelf has been strongly condemned by Vietnamese and the world public. The international...