Reforming government apparatus for development

Reforming government apparatus for development

(VOVworld) – Regulations on the organization of the government apparatus are an important part of the draft revision of the 1992 Constitution. Legal experts have proposed several ideas for reforming the...
Human rights highlighted in revised Constitution

Human rights highlighted in revised Constitution

(VOVworld) - Human and civil rights are special contents in the Constitutions of countries in general and Vietnam in particular. In the draft amendments of the 1992 Constitution, which is introduced for...
Public contribution to revised 1992 Constitution

Public contribution to revised 1992 Constitution

(VOVworld)- The draft revision of the 1992 Constitution has been made available for the public’s comments on the political system, human rights, citizens’ basic rights and obligations, national...
People’s important role in constitutional revision

People’s important role in constitutional revision

(VOVworld) – The draft revision to the 1992 Constitution has been made public on Wednesday for feedback. Vietnamese people of all social strata living inside or outside the country as well as domestic organizations are...