Britain seeks compromise for EU reform

Britain seeks compromise for EU reform

(VOVworld) – British Prime Minister David Cameron has enhanced diplomatic efforts to gain support for the UK’s EU reform proposal at a summit in February. It will impact a referendum...
Revolution on climate change response

Revolution on climate change response

(VOVworld) – After 2 weeks of tense negotiations, a historic climate agreement was finally adopted on December 12 by 195 countries at COP21, the UN conference on climate change, in Paris....
Hanoi’s autumn and milk flowers

Hanoi’s autumn and milk flowers

(VOVworld) – Each season in Hanoi has its own attractions. For people living in Hanoi and those who have ever been in Hanoi, autumn is the best season of the year. Milk...
 US accelerates approval of the TPP

US accelerates approval of the TPP

(VOVworld) – On Thursday, US President Barack Obama said the Trans-Paficic Partnership agreement will stimulate US economic growth while assuring the benefits of workers and protecting the environment
UN presents detailed report of talks on Syria

UN presents detailed report of talks on Syria

(VOVworld) – UN peace envoy Staffan de Mistura met with Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem on Sunday in Damascus to discuss ongoing international talks on Syria’s four-year war, state...
‘A better Hanoi’ for the poor

‘A better Hanoi’ for the poor

(VOVworld) – Every Wednesday and Saturday, members of ‘A better Hanoi’ project gather at a number of restaurants in the city to collect the food not used in local restaurants and hotels, package them,...
‘A better Hanoi’ for the poor

‘A better Hanoi’ for the poor

(VOVworld) – Every Wednesday and Saturday, members of ‘A better Hanoi’ project gather at a number of restaurants in the city to collect the food not used in local restaurants and hotels, package them,...
TPP creates opportunities for Vietnam’s economy

TPP creates opportunities for Vietnam’s economy

(VOVworld) – On October 5, after 5 years of negotiation, the 12 members of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) reached a final consensus on the world’s largest free trade agreement. The historic...