13th National Assembly’s 5th session begins

13th National Assembly’s 5th session begins

(VOVworld) – The 5th session of the 13th National Assembly opened in Hanoi on Monday May 20. Attending the event were leaders of the Party, State, Government, National Assembly, and the Vietnam...
Critical Venezuelan Presidential race

Critical Venezuelan Presidential race

(VOVworld)- The Venezuelan Presidential campaign concluded on Thursday and the official election will begin on Sunday. The race between the two main candidates, Interim President Nicolas Maduro and Democratic Solidarity Committee...
A dangerous decision

A dangerous decision

(VOVworld)- Syria’s political crisis has reached a turning point when Syrian President Bashar Al Assad’s government was voted out of the Arab League. Syria’s representative in the AL...
US defence head Hagel visits Kabul

US defence head Hagel visits Kabul

New US defence head Chuck Hagel has arrived in Afghanistan on an unannounced visit nine days after he was sworn into office. Hagel arrived in Kabul on Friday as the US-led military...
Israeli parliamentary election – unpleasant result

Israeli parliamentary election – unpleasant result

(VOVworld) – The preliminary result of the Israeli parliamentary election on January 22 shows the right-wing coalition between Likud Party of incumbent Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Yisrael Beitenu of Foreign Minister...
French President visits Algeria

French President visits Algeria

French President Francois Holland paid Algeria a landmark visit on Wednesday, his first time to the Maghreb region since he took power in May
Japanese political upheaval

Japanese political upheaval

(VOVworld) – The Japanese political scene is experiencing new challenges. In face of the economic slowdown, and unceasing territorial tension, Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda’s decision to dissolve parliament on November 16 at...
US Presidential Election: Last-minute efforts

US Presidential Election: Last-minute efforts

(VOV) – The 45th US Presidential election is less than 12 hours away. US presidential candidates Barack Obama and Mitt Romney have spent the last few days campaigning in crucial swing...
US Presidential Election, Chance for Obama

US Presidential Election, Chance for Obama

(VOVworld) - US incumbent president Barack Obama and Republican challenger Mitt Romney are on a final dash to win undecided votes. Recent polls show Obama with a slight edge over Romney...
Votes of confidence needed

Votes of confidence needed

(VOVworld)- A top public concern at the ongoing fourth session of the 13th National Assembly is how votes of confidence will be conducted for officials elected or appointed by the...