Vietnam, Singapore promote strategic partnership

Vietnam, Singapore promote strategic partnership

(VOVWORLD) - President Nguyen Xuan Phuc is on a State visit to Singapore at a time when the traditional friendship and strategic partnership between the two countries are flourishing and their...
Wednesday July 28, 2021

Wednesday July 28, 2021

(VOVWORLD) - First on our show today, we’d like to welcome back Gerry Neumann of the UK, who we haven’t heard from for a very long time. Welcome back, Mr...
Vietnam, Australia enhance strategic partnership

Vietnam, Australia enhance strategic partnership

(VOVWORLD) - Governor-General of Australia Peter Cosgrove and his wife are on a 4-day State visit to Vietnam. The visit takes place with the two countries celebrating the 45th anniversary of their diplomatic ties....
Clothes of the Gie Trieng

Clothes of the Gie Trieng

(VOVworld) - The Gie Trieng have developed a unique culture while adopting cultural features of other groups in the northern Central Highlands
Promoting Vietnam-Ireland cooperation

Promoting Vietnam-Ireland cooperation

(VOVworld)- Irish President Michael Daniel Higgins has begun a State visit to Vietnam from November 5 to November 14 at the invitation of President Tran Dai Quang