Capital pours in AI in Vietnam

Capital pours in AI in Vietnam

(VOVWORLD) - The latest report on Artificial Intelligence Readiness by Oxford Insights ranks Vietnam 55th globally in 2022, 7 places higher than in 2021, as a result of greater development and...
Foreign investors are interested in Vietnam

Foreign investors are interested in Vietnam

(VOVWORLD) - 3 foreign investors have pledged to invest in and expand investment in Vietnam this year with a total investment capital of 3.7 billion USD. The pledge was made...
Vietnam-Malaysia: 50 years of cooperation

Vietnam-Malaysia: 50 years of cooperation

(VOVWORLD) - March 30th marks the 50th anniversary of Vietnam-Malaysia diplomatic relations (March 30, 1973-March 30, 2023). Over the past 5 decades, Vietnam and Malaysia have been close partners bilaterally and...
Australia pledges increasing ODA funding for Vietnam

Australia pledges increasing ODA funding for Vietnam

(VOVWORLD) -Deputy Prime Minister Tran Luu Quang hosted a reception in Hanoi on Tuesday for Australian Ambassador to Vietnam Andrew Goledzinowski during which he expressed his delight at the strong and practical development of...